Hash and family surf camp nias
Hash and family surf camp nias

hash and family surf camp nias

If you come for the surfing and enjoy hanging out with other likeminded people this is the place to be.

hash and family surf camp nias

The Point is the area in front of the main wave and this is the busiest part of Sorake. During the 2004 tsunami and 2005 earthquake any flimsy structure was knocked down and as a result the guesthouse owners today favour bricks and mortar. Most guesthouses are very sturdy structures, built to withstand the forces of nature. Typical Sorake guesthouses have two storeys with large balconies on the second floor where surfers can keep a constant vigil on the wave. Many places are also known as ‘Losmens’ which is the Indonesian word for a simple guesthouse. This comes from the early days of surfing tourism when the only accommodation available was in fact camping on the beach. To this day many guesthouses are called ‘Surf camps’. It was discovered and developed by surfers and built by locals catering for them. Sorake is a very unique place, steeped in surfing culture. Lagundri is the name of a large horseshoe-shaped bay on the south coast of Nias and Sorake is the name of the area on the western side of Lagundri bay. Sorake is also known as Lagundri, or Sorake Beach. For this reason Sorake also has the largest concentration of guesthouses, around 40 at last count.

hash and family surf camp nias

Sorake and the wave right in front of it is the main drawcard for most of the tourist coming to Nias.

Hash and family surf camp nias